Saturday, January 14, 2023
Charleston metropolitan area, South Carolina - Wikipedia.Awendaw, South Carolina - Wikipedia
Charleston, South Carolina - Wikipedia.South Carolina - Wikipedia
Or maybe the mention of a multi-lingual, brilliant free black who preached freedom from slavery to anyone who would listen in the city that would become the birthplace of the Confederacy was there in the high school history books and I was just too busy staring out the windows to notice.
I've stared out my share of windows, so it's possible. After some digging, I turned up a few obscure mentions of a Charleston blacksmith Tom Russell who, after initially resisting any involvement with the revolt's planning, finally agreed to make the weapons. In April , the shooting of a black man by a white police shooter in North Charleston galvanized the country—particularly because the victim was running away and was shot in the back numerous times.
And particularly because the officer's initial testimony did not match the video of the incident captured on the cell phone of a bystander. Pinckney called for the use of body cameras by the police, both for the sake of the officers and of the public. My husband and I were celebrating our anniversary in Charleston just after the shooting and made our way to the North Charleston location, where this memorial and many others marked the spot—and our need for mourning.
Two months later, the Rev. Clem Pinckney, a South Carolina state senator and the pastor of the very church where Denmark Vesey had been a leader, would also be the victim of a tragedy that raised questions of where we are as a culture on race relations—clearly not as far along as we'd hoped and dared to believe.
But Rev. Clem Pinckney and the others of Mother Emanuel AME would also become powerful symbols of hope, strength, and the long arc of the universe that does, we believe with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Because of Vesey, Mother Emanuel Church was already a setting for several chapters in the historic and contemporary plots of the dual timeline novel A Tangled Mercy several years before the tragedy there in In early June of that year, the novel was about to go on submission to editors--just a few more revisions that my agent suggested before she would send it out.
Then, on June 17, , the world learned of the horrific shooting of Mother Emanuel's pastor and eight parishioners in a heart-rending, history-altering event that connected directly with the story of the Vesey revolt.
Along with millions of others, I wept and prayed--and then wept again on reading every article I could find on what had occurred and how and why, the search for the killer, his chilling explanations Clearly, the novel now had to be either shelved permanently, or the contemporary storyline had to include--and, more significantly, honor the victims at the landmark church--as well as its power and perseverance over the centuries.
The novel's Author's Note gives a longer version of this journey, and the cultural leaders who generously gave their time and wisdom in talking with me about this book, and my hope that it could memorialize not only the Tom Russells and Denmark Veseys and Angelina Grimkes's of the nineteenth century, but now also the heroes of the twenty-first.
Below is Rev. Clementa Pinckney speaking prophetically in about freedom and equality, what it means to be an American, the role of the African-American church, what it means to be a beacon to the community, including what it means to have the kind of courage to "make some noise" and--like Denmark Vesey, Rev.
Pinckney says--to even be willing to die for what one believes. Thank you for caring about the real people and real events, behind this story especially —Joy. It has been a most unusual journey. My intent is not only to tell a story worth reading but equally—or, to be honest, more importantly—to honor the memory of those in nineteenth- and twenty-first-century Charleston who have set an example of courage, conviction, and a spirit of love far stronger than hate. I should probably mention at this point that I am white and grew up in a nearly all-white small town in the East Tennessee mountains, so I ought not even to be a candidate to tell this story.
But please let me add that my very first memory as a child is of my mother sitting on our living room floor rocking to and fro and sobbing in front of the television news: Martin Luther King Jr. Her reaction then and a hundred other such moments taught me early that the color of your own skin ought not to be the thing that determines what shatters your heart. Most of the state has warmed by one-half to one degree F in the last century, and the sea is rising about one to one-and-a-half inches every decade.
Higher water levels are eroding beaches, submerging low lands, and exacerbating coastal flooding. Like other southeastern states, South Carolina has warmed less than most of the nation. But in the coming decades, the region's changing climate is likely to reduce crop yields, harm livestock, increase the number of unpleasantly hot days, and increase the risk of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses.
Key policy recommendations in the report include developing renewable portfolio standards, increasing use of local agricultural products, and increasing advanced recycling and composting.
South Carolina is home to two dominant ecosystems, the bottomlands, which consist of floodplains and creeks, and the toplands. The floodplains contain large tracts of old and mature second growth cypress and tupelo forest.
The uplands are home to longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, and mixed hardwood forests. They improve soil, water, and air quality while a habitat for deer and songbirds. Oysters are a critical part of South Carolina's coastal ecology. They serve a dual function, filtering the water and forming reefs that provide a habitat for small fish and crabs. Oysters are imperiled by overharvesting because young oysters need older oysters to latch on to as they age.
The following table shows the major metropolitan areas of South Carolina. The census determined the state had a population of 5,, As of the census estimate, the racial make up of the state is According to the United States Census Bureau , as of , South Carolina had an estimated population of 5,,, which is an increase of 64, from the prior year and an increase of ,, or Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 36, people, and migration within the country produced a net increase of , people.
Historical South Carolina racial breakdown of population [89]. Religion in South Carolina [90]. Fourth-largest is the African Methodist Episcopal Church with congregations and , members and fifth-largest is the Presbyterian Church USA with congregations and almost , members. Industrial outputs include textile goods, chemical products, paper products, machinery, automobiles, automotive products and tourism. Major agricultural outputs of the state are tobacco, poultry, cotton, cattle, dairy products, soybeans, hay, rice, and swine.
The service sector accounts for Many large corporations have moved their locations to South Carolina. Boeing opened an aircraft manufacturing facility in Charleston in , which serves as one of two final assembly sites for the Dreamliner.
South Carolina is a right-to-work state [] and many businesses use staffing agencies to temporarily fill positions. South Carolina also benefits from foreign investment. There are 1, foreign-owned firms operating in South Carolina employing almost , people. The state has the fourth largest state-maintained system in the country, consisting of 11 Interstates , numbered highways , state highways , and secondary roads, totalling approximately 41, miles.
On secondary roads, South Carolina uses a numbering system to keep track of all non-interstate and primary highways that the South Carolina Department of Transportation maintains.
Secondary roads are numbered by the number of the county followed by a unique number for the particular road. The Crescent route serves the Upstate cities, the Silver Star serves the Midlands cities, and the Palmetto and Silver Meteor routes serve the lowcountry cities.
There are seven significant airports in South Carolina, all of which act as regional airport hubs. The busiest by passenger volume is Charleston International Airport. As of , South Carolina is one of three states that have not agreed to use competitive international math and language standards.
In , the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled the state had failed to provide a "minimally adequate" education to children in all parts of the state as required by the state's constitution. South Carolina has 1, K—12 schools in 85 school districts with an enrollment of , as of fall In , the national average SAT score was and the South Carolina average was , 48 points lower than the national average.
South Carolina is the only state which owns and operates a statewide school bus system. As of December , the state maintains a 5,bus fleet with the average vehicle in service being fifteen years old the national average is six having logged , miles. In in the budget proposal, Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman requested the state lease to purchase 1, buses to replace the most decrepit vehicles.
An additional buses could be purchased immediately through the State Treasurer's master lease program. South Carolina has diverse institutions from large state-funded research universities to small colleges that cultivate a liberal arts, religious or military tradition. For overall health care, South Carolina is ranked 33rd out of the 50 states, according to the Commonwealth Fund , a private health foundation working to improve the health care system.
There were 2. South Carolina's state government consists of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Also relevant are the state constitution, law enforcement agencies, federal representation, state finances, and state taxes.
South Carolina has historically had a weak executive branch and a strong legislature. Before , governors in South Carolina were appointed by the General Assembly, and held the title "President of State". The Constitution changed this process, requiring a popular election.
Local governments were also weak. But, the Constitution, passed during the Reconstruction era , extended democratization by establishing home rule for counties, which were established from the formerly designated districts of the state. The state constitution overturned this, reducing the role of counties and strengthening the relative role of the state legislature; essentially the counties were agents of the state and ruled by the General Assembly through the legislative delegation for each county.
As each county had one state senator, that position was particularly powerful. This status continued until , when the state constitution was amended to provide for home rule for the counties. During this time the state had changed, with increasing urbanization, but rural counties retained proportionally more power as the legislature was based in representatives elected from counties rather than population districts.
The federal court case, Reynolds v. Sims , "established the one-man, one-vote concept for electoral representation at the state level. Legislators were now supposed to represent more or less equal numbers of people. Reapportionment made obvious the need for other changes to county structure, leading to the legislature passing the constitutional amendment. The Home Rule Act of implemented the amendment giving more power to the counties.
With urbanization, their governments have become increasingly important in the state. Several changes to the state constitution have affected the office of the governor and the cabinet. In the governor's term was extended from two to four years; in the governor was allowed to run for a second succeeding term. In , the state passed an amendment requiring a limited cabinet all of whom must be popularly elected.
As of April 2, , there were 3,, registered voters. In a study, South Carolina was ranked by the Election Law Journal as the 7th hardest state for citizens to vote in. South Carolina has many venues for visual and performing arts. There are also numerous historic sites and museums scattered throughout the state paying homage to many events and periods in the state's history from Native American inhabitation to the present day.
South Carolina also has performing art venues including the Peace Center in Greenville, the Koger Center for the Arts in Columbia, and the Newberry Opera House , among others to bring local, national, and international talent to the stages of South Carolina. There are also countless local festivals throughout the state highlighting many cultural traditions, historical events, and folklore.
Although no major league professional sports teams are based in South Carolina, the Carolina Panthers have training facilities in the state and played their inaugural season's home games at Clemson's Memorial Stadium in The Panthers consider themselves "The Carolinas' Team" and refrained from naming themselves after Charlotte or either of the Carolinas.
The state is also home to numerous minor league professional teams. College teams represent their particular South Carolina institutions, and are the primary options for football , basketball and baseball attendance in the state. South Carolina is also a top destination for golf and water sports. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the U.
For other uses, see South Carolina disambiguation. State in the United States. Sassafras Mountain [3] [4]. Atlantic Ocean [3]. Flag of South Carolina. Main article: History of South Carolina. Main article: Antebellum South Carolina. Main article: Reconstruction era.
See also: South Carolina in the civil rights movement. Interactive map of South Carolina. Main article: South Carolina Lowcountry. Main article: List of lakes in South Carolina. Main article: List of earthquakes in South Carolina. Main article: Climate of South Carolina.
This section is an excerpt from Climate change in South Carolina. Main article: List of federal lands in South Carolina. Further information: List of mammals of South Carolina. See also: South Carolina statistical areas. Largest cities or towns in South Carolina Source Estimate : [77]. Further information: List of U. Highways in South Carolina. Further information: List of state highways in South Carolina.
South Carolina passenger rail. Crescent to New York City. Crescent to New Orleans. Silver Service to Miami. Palmetto to Savannah. Silver Star. Silver Meteor. Main article: List of airports in South Carolina. See also: List of colleges and universities in South Carolina.
Main article: South Carolina government and politics. See also: South Carolina literature. Main article: Sports in South Carolina. United States portal South Carolina portal. World Population Review. Archived from the original on August 7, Retrieved August 6, United States Census Bureau. Table Archived PDF from the original on December 3, Retrieved January 20, United States Geological Survey. Archived from the original on October 15, Retrieved October 24, The United States Census Bureau.
Retrieved June 23, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Archived from the original on December 20, Retrieved December 9, April 26, Archived from the original on June 11, Retrieved November 6, Archived from the original on March 31, Census Reporter.
Board of Agriculture A sketch of North Carolina. Charleston: Lucas-Richardson Co. OL M. He thrives on their challenges, A Dallas company has acquired Eastport Commerce Center, an industrial space and warehouse development in Summerville.
Dalfen Industrial, a national buyer and developer of industrial real estate, particularly in last-mile property sect Residential development, growing commercial space and high traffic counts of 40, vehicles a day on Dorchester Road have caught the eye of Pennsylvania developers, Hardy World. The company is preparing to break ground on Indigo Fiel A gust of wind blew a container off a truck chassis on the Wando Bridge, hitting a police car with the officer in it the morning of March The officer, who was shaken up, did not sustain any physical injuries.
The organization, along with three individuals, were acknowledged for their positive impact and contrib The opportunity to have a face-to-face sit down with a company, and have the business welcome the conversation, is what drove small-time suppliers to the S.
In as the pandemic struck, one in five adults reported suffering from mental illness, according to data from the National Alliance on Mental Illness. It has been 30 years since the last freestanding behavioral The acquisition is Continental Realty Corp. With the rising demand for its electric vehicles, Bintelli LLC is expanding its Charleston powersports operations for a second time. Located at Savan This gives College of Charleston students access to Now ownership is changing hands, too.
In the segment, which included fi The Metal Supermarkets, a convenience store for metal, is scheduled to open this month in North Charleston, the company said in a news release. The store, which will be located at Domino Ave. A new Charleston Metro Chamber program has been developed to help newcomers learn about the most important economic aspects of the region. Charleston Insight is a week program specifically directed at senior-level ex A tech-focused company is expanding its reach to South Carolina.
Camgian, a Mississippi-based software company with offices in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Berkeley County is kicking off a new initiative next month that will connect citizens with open government positions.
The Cainhoy area is getting a new tenant. Frampton Construction Co. The warehouse is the second Charleston location for TradePort A Charleston restaurant and chef have been named semifinalists by the James Beard Foundation for culinary excellence.
November retail sales were up Click at left for a page-by-page list of the Banking Power List and more. A Charlotte commercial real estate investment company is developing two new industrial buildings with nearly , square feet in the Charleston area. Anyone living near Bees Ferry Road in West Ashley knows the nightmare of traveling Glenn McConnell Parkway toward Interstate in the morning, slogging back home bumper-to-bumper in the evening.
New year, new S. Ports Authority records for containers handled. Coming off a record year in , the S. Ports Authority is looking at potentially another big year with record amounts of cargo to be handled. North Charleston has no shortage of talented artists and city Mayor Keith Summey is calling on creative minds for help. No injuries were reported, and one business had significant damage.
About The town is run by an elected council government system. The The Media General Tower is more than m 2, ft high. In , the town's public library was opened as the Awendaw Community Library. Currently named the William H. Alston Municipal Public Library, it is one of two municipal public libraries in the state. In , Tractor Supply Company opened a new store.
It was the first national chain to open in Awendaw. Charleston County School District operates public schools in Awendaw. In school district staff stated that they were considering having a new Lincoln High School built in Awendaw.
As of January , the school district is moving forward with plans for a new high school in Awendaw. Location to be a acre tract on Doar Rd. To many Awendaw citizens, crabbing is a hobby and one of the town's main economic resources. Every year in the summer, the town has the Blue Crab Festival. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Town in South Carolina, United States. Awendaw, with U.
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